
An Integrative Bayesian Model Analysis Of Patient Characteristics And Treatment Variables To Understand Lung Cancer Survival Rates In Kerman Province, Iran


Introduction: Lung cancer (LC) is the most common type of cancer and causes of death among males.
This study aims to estimate the survival rate of lung cancer patients by employing the benefits of Bayesian
modeling in determining factors affecting the survival of lung cancer in Kerman province, Iran.
Methods: We conducted a historical cohort study of 195 patients with lung cancer from 2016 to 2018. In
this study, we used linear dependent Dirichlet process (LDDP), and employed some results of the previous
study as informative prior for better estimation.
Results: Of the 195 patients, 160 died. The mean age of patients at the time of diagnosis was 62.43±12.55.
The median survival time of patients was 10.4 months. Men accounted for 75.9% of the total patients. One,
two, and three-year survival rate was 44.5%, 22.9%, and 16.4%, respectively. The multivariable model
results showed that treatments were significant. Other variables had no significant effect.
Conclusion: Our study highlights the importance of prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment in
improving the survival rate of lung cancer patients. We found that patients who received at least one
usual lung cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery, had higher survival rates
compared to those who did not receive any treatment. While our study has some limitations, such as its
retrospective design, our use of Bayesian modeling techniques allowed us to effectively incorporate prior
information from previous studies to improve estimation accuracy

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IssueVol 8 No 4 (2022) QRcode
Lung cancer; Bayesian; Survival analysis

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How to Cite
Ghasemi J, Samareh Fekri M, Larizadeh MH, Dabiri S, Jahani Y. An Integrative Bayesian Model Analysis Of Patient Characteristics And Treatment Variables To Understand Lung Cancer Survival Rates In Kerman Province, Iran. JBE. 2022;8(4):452-464.