
Joint Spatial Analysis of Low Birth Weight and Stunting in West African Countries



The burden of childhood morbidity and mortality are still huge in most sub-Saharan African countries with West African sub-region contributing largely to the burden. Previous findings have demonstrated strong link between early life events such as low birth weight (LBW) with later events particularly malnutrition. We aim at estimating the specific and shared spatial patterns of LBW and stunting among under-five children in multiple West African countries.


Data set for the study was sourced from the Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in fourteen West African countries. We used a Bayesian shared component model allows us to split the spatial surface into those specific to each of the outcomes and one shared by the two, with inference based on a Bayesian approximation procedure through the integrated nested Laplace approximation.


The findings show spatial clustering in the shared and specific effects of the health outcomes, demonstrating high likelihood in northern Nigeria spanning through Niger and that the spatial pattern for the shared effects are similar to those of the specific effects of stunting. Furthermore, mother’s level of education, attendance in antenatal care and household wealth index are strongly associated with the shared health outcomes.


The study provides insight into the spatial pattern of LBW and stunting among West African children and can be useful in targeted interventions in regions with high burden of LBW and malnutrition which may include more advocacy that promote the use of antenatal care services during pregnancy.

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How to Cite
Gayawan E, Alo N. Joint Spatial Analysis of Low Birth Weight and Stunting in West African Countries. JBE. 2024;10(2):166-178.