
Epidemiology, clustering and spatial distribution of animal bites in Algeria

Animal bites in Algeria


Introduction: Animals can transmit many viral and bacterial diseases through bites and saliva that can be potentially fatal to human. Rabies, one of these diseases, is rife in two-thirds of the world’s countries. Algeria is not spared. This study was scoped to provide insight into the demography and epidemiology, spatial distribution and clustering patterns of animal bites in Algeria.

Methods: The global and local Moran's I were used to investigate geographic clustering patterns of animal bites in Algeria. The animal bites data provided by North West Health Region (NWHR) Observatory was analyzed to glean useful information.

Results: Over the past five decades, 1201 human rabies fatalities have been recorded in Algeria with a yearly average of 20 cases and a male predominance. As for 2017, a total of 116403 animal attacks were recorded. Dog bites accounted for 64.1% followed by cat bites for 30.5%. The rabies vaccine was practiced in 74% of cases and vaccine with rabies immune globulin in 26% cases. The incidence was estimated at 279 per 100000 inhabitants. The incidence of animal bites, dog and cat bites exhibited spatial autocorrelation globally; the Moran index values were 0.41, 0.43 and 0.60 respectively. Significant hot spots were located in Tell, and significant cold spots were located on Sahara and High-Plateaus. The analysis of the 21314 animal attacks reported in NWHR in 2019, showed that young children and men are the most-at-risk. Indeed, 71.3% were male and 58.7% occurred outdoors. Among the 8275 bites that occurred in children under 15 years, 66.8% were boys and 29.3% were children under 5 years. Most of the bites were Category II(45.7%) followed by Category III(38.6%).

Conclusion: The current strategy needs to be reviewed, reformed and strengthened while promoting cross-sectoral work with a collaborative approach of all relevant sectors for a One Health initiative.

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IssueVol 10 No 3 (2024) QRcode
Algeria Animal bites Rabies Spatial distribution Spatial clustering Moran’s I.

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How to Cite
Bouguerra L, L’Hadj M, SELMANE S. Epidemiology, clustering and spatial distribution of animal bites in Algeria. JBE. 2025;10(3):360-373.