Assessing the Quality of Life in Medical Students in Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Quality of life (QOL) is an important index in society that need for evaluation in all age groups people especially in medical university students as a people that their physical and mental health is related with community health. This study aims to investigate the quality of life (QOL) of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that has been conducted on 200 students who selected by random sampling method from Ardabil medical university students. The QOL was measured by WHOQOL-BREF which its validity and Reliability were investigated and approved. This questionnaire include 26 questions in four dimensions (physical, mental, social and environmental health). Collected data we analyzed by statistical test such as t-test for compare the mean of QOL score among demographic data.
Results: Of all students, 57% were male and 91.5% were single. Of all students, 56% had desired quality of life. The relationships between QOL and variables such as gender, educational level, marital status and age of students wasn’t significant. The mean difference of four dimension scores among two sexes was statistically significant. The mean of Physical health dimension score was 11.6±2.1, Psychological was 12.3±2.4, Social relationships was 13.1±3.4 and environment was 12.7±3.2. The mean of total score of QOL in all students was 12.4±2.3.
Conclusion: Results showed that the QOL of all students were in high level and in four dimension of QOL the female students had significant higher score than male students.
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Issue | Vol 6 No 4 (2020) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Quality of life Student; Social relationships; Ardabil |
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