Original Article

Investigating the Effect of Health Promotion Programs on Smoking Cessation of the Adolescent and Youth in Tehran


Introduction: Substance abuse is currently a crippling problem worldwide. The hindering effect it has upon the development and prosperity of each society has turned it into a serious threat. Due to the importance of the problem the current study was aimed to investigate the effect of health promotion programs on the smoking cessation of the adolescent and youth in Iran. 

Methods: The current study was a quasi-experimental study. The target population consisted of the teenagers and the youth people of district 12 of Tehran City. The understudied cases were divided into intervention and control groups. Each groups included 20 participants. The researcher-constructed questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 20. 

Results: Analysis of Cognitive-Therapy Co-Variance and its Effect on Health Promotion Scores show that Mean Square in Pre-Intervention sample and follow-up was 7854.365 and 5632.845 respectively. Also in Post-Intervention and follow-up was 4785.123 and 2865.563 that show a significant relationship between the pre and post-intervention and follow-up scores. Mean Square in Post-Intervention and follow-up for Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs on Smoke cessation with 39 degrees of freedom was 730.58 and 746.420. The Ancova results showed that the improvement in wrong beliefs is permanent. 

Conclusion: Research findings revealed that onetime and recurrent health promotion programs have significant impacts upon smoking cessation of the teenagers and the youth. Since drug abuse is a motivational disorder, educational programs and improving the living condition for treating drug abuse is highly recommended.

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IssueVol 7 No 1 (2021) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jbe.v7i1.6290
Educational Programs Health Promotion Substance Abuse Chronic Disorders Social Problem.

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How to Cite
Mirhadi F, Tabibi SJ, Riahi L, Haji Nabi K. Investigating the Effect of Health Promotion Programs on Smoking Cessation of the Adolescent and Youth in Tehran. JBE. 2021;7(1):1-6.