Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the Greek population regarding the COVID-19 pandemic during the national lockdown (March 23 - May 03, 2020): A web-based cross-sectional study
Objective: The study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward the COVID-19 pandemic during the total lockdown of spring 2020 in Greece.
Methods: A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted from April 13 to May 5, 2020 using snowball sampling method. Adult residents of Greece anonymously completed an online survey that was distributed through email and social media. Demographic questions, questions regarding the knowledge about the disease etiology, diagnosis and prevention, and questions related to the respondents’ attitude and perception toward the restriction measures and the confidence in different kinds of institutions were included in the survey items. The appropriate statistical analyses were conducted according to the type of variable and the research question.
Results: A total of 1396 fully complete questionnaires were collected. A moderate-high knowledge about COVID-19 was found in the study population (median 74.8%). The highest knowledge scores were found in females (74.8%, p = 0.015), individuals over 60 years old (77.3%, p < 0.001) and individuals having completed post-secondary or tertiary education (76.5%, p < 0.001). Five attitude patterns toward the pandemic were identified: “trust in institutions”, “trust in the restriction measures”, “trust in media and the internet”, “trust in traditional institutions”, and “measures deniers”. Age, education, and knowledge score were the factors defining the attitudinal patterns revealed.
Conclusions: Education and public awareness seem to be the factors defining the successful management of the pandemic’s first wave in Greece. Repeated observations of attitudinal patterns are important for eliminating irresponsible behaviors in periods of health crises.
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Issue | Vol 8 No 2 (2022) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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COVID-19 pandemic Greece knowledge attitude perception |
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