Assessing the level of Knowledge and attitude of the young couples about HIV in Shiraz, Iran
Introduction: HIV infection is one of the main public health problems in the world. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes of young couples married in the city of Shiraz, and eventually suggest an Operational Program for the prevention of HIV in Iran.
Method: the data collection tool was a questionnaire consisted of 32 questions on transmission and prevention of HIV infection. The young couples were selected through simple random sampling, and the sample size was 400. The data analysis was performed using SPSS 19 software.
Results: Of the total of 400 cases, 201 (50.25%) were male and 199 (49.75%) were female. The mean age of the couples was 25.96±5.95 years. The most frequent correct answer was related to the knowledge of transmission through sharing needles among drug users (87.4%). Regarding attitude, 94.6% of the subjects agreed with the struggle against HIV. Examining the relationship between knowledge and age showed that they had a significant relationship (P=0.002). There was also a significant relationship between attitude and gender (P=0.004).
Conclusion: One of the important ways to stop the epidemic and prevent the incidence of new cases of HIV is educating people at an early age
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Issue | Vol 5 No 2 (2019) | |
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HIV Young Couple Knowledge; Attitude Prevention |
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